Grassroots Healthcare is a very specialized facility designed to redefine and identify our roots in a true sense.
Indians have always been known for wonderful healthcare and has always been ahead of the world in providing top notch facilities and personal care. Whether it was caring for a newborn, postpartum woman, sick patients or the elderly, the entire family comes together as unit, to care for them. Our traditional practices and knowledge in anticipating complications and methods to prevent it are transferred from generations to generations.
Many of us realize these and make it our profession and really make a difference to our society. In the changing era of opportunities, this family structured care faces lot of difficulties like migration for work, expensive healthcare costs, shortage of beds in the hospital, etc.,
Keeping all this in mind and with an immense passion to do our bit to the society, we have designed an efficient home care service system to bring assisted health care system to the comfort of your home.